Social Media Training - High Commission of Canada

Social Media Training - High Commission of Canada

With rising popularity of social media, it has become a very crucial and indispensable arm of communication on the present day. Keeping that in mind, Social Media Matters was invited by High Commission of Canada to make more people aware about its use and its misuses and so that such platforms are utilized to their maximum potential. The capacity building training was done with the social media team of the commission at three levels: Advanced, Intermediate and Beginners.

Social Media Training - High Commission of Canada


Beginners - Training to build their capacities on use of Social Media. The training emphasized upon setting up accounts, creating posts, creating hashtags, choices of tagging people, and security features of respective platforms

Intermediate – Training on technical know-how, safety tools and mechanisms

Advance - Training for selective individuals who were already handling social media pages of the organization.


16 July 2019


Capacity Building Workshops
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