Social Media for Social Change - Book Your Workshop

Social Media for Social Change

Social media is an amazing tool for Non-Profits, If done right. We have been using social media for the past 10 years to create and execute national level campaigns. From inception of the idea to activation of the campaign, to creating a long term strategy for your organization we have immense experience in the space. Our workshop module is created as per the specific needs of the team and focuses on executable knowledge and practical solutions.

Most importantly how we do not limit our work to clicktivism and ensure it has a direct connect with the field. Having worked with diverse organization we have built a process to ensure one remains true to the cause while leveraging social media platforms to create great impact.

Workshop Content

To build social media capacities of activists to use social media for social change. Ensuring best utilization of time and resources to attain maximum impact. We share knowledge about Social Media algorithms helping participants understand what sort of content should they focus upon. Also provide them with tools that will help them create these campaigns.


Participants learn by doing, as that's the only way one can learn social media. They also practice tips and tricks to ensure their posts achieve the intended results. We also plan out executable campaigns and work on long term strategies.

Methodology and Process

Each workshop is customized to the participants, we send in a pre workshop assessment form with is a must for each participant to fill in, based on which we create a module. The duration and structure of the modules as per the requirement and availability of the participants.

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