Facebook Live Policies

Protecting Facebook Live from Abuse

In a recent press release Facebook shared the good news of advancements made in protecting its #Live feature from abuse.
Quote Tweet With GIFs

Quote Tweet With GIFs Now!

Lesser are those days when you tweet and none other than @Twitter itself takes note of it.
Breaking up Facebook is not the Solution

Breaking up Facebook is not the Solution

In one line, I agree with Mark.

Breaking up Facebook is not the solution and certainly not a precedent we want to setup. Yes there are problems with
Aatishi Aam Aadmi Party Candidate

ये है हमारा महिलाओं के लिए हिन्दुस्तान

दिल्ली में इन दिनों लोक सभा के चुनाव का प्रचार जोर शोर से चल रहा है। चारों और सभी पार्टियों के बड़े बड़े बैनर लगे हुए नजर आ जाते है। दिनांक 9 मई 2019 को मेरे चुनाव क्षेत्र में कुछ लोग A4 पेपर बाँट रहे थे। मुझे भी वो पेपर दिया गया।
Online Safety on Google

Online Safety Extensions on Google

We came across a list of Google Chrome Extensions to ensure your privacy and data control while you are surfing on the browser. These add ons are easy to install and use.
Social Media Community Guidelines

Failure of Social Media Community Guidelines in India

I have travelled the country for the past 3 years doing online safety workshops in colleges.
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